Being a plant lover and a pet owner can sometimes be a challenging combination. Pets are curious creatures and certain plants can be toxic or harmful to them when ingested. However, that doesn't mean that pet lovers have to give up their green space for their furry friends! Good news is that there are plenty of pet-safe plants available, which can bring a touch of colour to the living space with ease. In this blog, a variety of pet-safe plants will be explored, highlighting their benefits and how they can thrive alongside your furry companions!

Peperomia Moonlight

Peperomia moonlight is an appealing choice for plant enthusiasts due to its attractive foliage and ease of care. It can definitely add a touch of greenness and beauty to your indoor space while providing a pet-friendly environment.

Care tips:

Light: Bright, indirect light 

Water: Water when soil feels dry to touch

Fertiliser: Feed with slow release pellets or liquid fertiliser once a month.

Difficulty: Beginner 


Hemigraphis is an attractive and relatively easy-to-care-for indoor plant. Its vibrant purple foliage will add a pop of colour to your indoor pet-friendly space!

Care tips:

Light: Bright, indirect light 

Water: Water when soil feels dry to touch

Fertiliser: Feed with slow release pellets or liquid fertiliser once a month.

Difficulty: Beginner

Asplenium Crispy

Asplenium Crispy, or Crispy Wave Fern is a popular houseplant known for its lush, wavy fronds. It is a low-maintenance, pet-friendly house plant which can add a touch of elegance to your pet-friendly green space!

Care tips:

Light: Bright, indirect light 

Water: Water when the soil feels dry to the touch. Regular misting is recommended.

Fertiliser: Feed with slow release pellets or liquid fertiliser once a month.

Difficulty: Beginner

Maranta Kerchoveana

Maranta Kerchoveana, also known as Maranta green, is a popular choice for indoor gardening. With its beautiful spots on its foliage, it is definitely an eye-catching addition to your pet-friendly living space!

Care tips:

Light: Bright, semi-shaded

Water: Water when soil feels dry to touch

Fertiliser: Feed with slow release pellets or liquid fertiliser once a month.

Difficulty: Advanced

Pilea Norfolk

Pilea Norfolk, belonging to the family of Urticaceae, is commonly referred to as the “Chinese money plant”. It is known for its interesting looking foliage that is variegated with silver markings. With proper care, it can definitely add a touch of green and charm to your indoor space for you and your furry friend!

Care tips:

Light: Bright, indirect light 

Water: Water when the soil feels dry to the touch

Fertiliser: Feed with slow release pellets or liquid fertiliser once a month. 

Difficulty: Beginner


Creating a pet-friendly space in your home doesn't mean sacrificing your love for indoor plants. By choosing pet-safe plants, you can enjoy the benefits of a green environment while ensuring your pets' well-being. The selection of plants mentioned above are the more interesting plant options, and there are many more plants available.

Read here about the top 5 pet friendly plants: 

Read here: 


With a little planning and research, you can create a beautiful and pet-safe haven that both you and your furry friends will enjoy for years to come.