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Money Plant N Joy (P11c)
  • Item Code 0090383

The Money Plant N Joy features green, coin-shaped leaves that grow on long, slender stems. Its distinctive appearance, easy care requirements, and symbolization of good fortune have made it a cherished addition to homes and offices around the world.


* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

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Product name: Money Plant N Joy (P11c)

The Money Plant N Joy, is a popular houseplant with unique round leaves that have earned it various nicknames such as the Chinese Money Plant, Pancake Plant, or UFO Plant. 

The Money Plant N Joy gained popularity among horticulturists and spread throughout Europe and eventually to other continents. Due to its rapid propagation through the production of small offshoots or babies at the base of the plant, it became highly sought after and was often shared among friends and family. As a result, this plant began to symbolize wealth, prosperity, and good luck in many cultures.

The Money Plant N Joy features green, coin-shaped leaves that grow on long, slender stems. The leaves have a shiny texture and a unique peltate shape, meaning they are round with a central stem attachment. 

In addition to its aesthetic appeal and positive symbolism, the Money Plant N Joy is believed to bring good luck and financial prosperity to its owners. Many cultures see it as a symbol of abundance and wealth, with its round leaves representing coins.

Pot size: Ø11cm

Plant size: Vary in sizes


Care tips:

Light: Shady bright, indirect sunlight.

Water: Water when soil feels dry to touch. 

Fertiliser: Feed with slow release pellets or liquid fertiliser once a month.


* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.