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Monstera Adansonii (P12c)
  • Item Code 0062347

Monstera Adansonii, commonly known as Swiss Cheese Vine or Monkey Mask, is a vining plant with heart-shaped, glossy leaves that have distinct and unique perforations and splits.  It can be grown in hanging baskets, on trellises, or as a trailing plant in pots or containers.


* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

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Product name: Monstera Adansonii (P12c)

Monstera adansonii, commonly known as Swiss Cheese Vine or Monkey Mask, is a popular tropical plant in the Araceae family. It is a vining plant with heart-shaped, glossy leaves that have distinct and unique perforations and splits, giving it the characteristic "Swiss cheese" appearance. The leaves are typically green, but some varieties may have variegation or lighter-colored patches. The plant produces aerial roots that can help it climb or attach to structures or support.

Monstera adansonii can be propagated through stem cuttings. Take a cutting with a few nodes and aerial roots, and place it in water or well-draining soil. In water, roots will develop in a few weeks, and then you can transfer the cutting to soil. Propagation through division can also be done by separating the plant at the roots into multiple sections.

Regularly dust the leaves of Monstera adansonii to keep them clean and allow for proper photosynthesis. Pruning can help control the size and shape of the plant and encourage bushier growth. If desired, the vine can be trained to climb up a support or allowed to trail down from a hanging pot. It can be grown in hanging baskets, on trellises, or as a trailing plant in pots or containers.

Pot size: Ø12cm

Plant size: Vary in sizes


Care tips:

Light: Bright, indirect light.

Water: Water when soil feels dry to touch.

Fertiliser: Feed with slow release pellets or liquid fertiliser once a month.


* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.