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  • Item Code 0096013

GT Succulent Focus will provide your succulents with all the essential nutrients that are required to ensure they are kept healthy and vibrant.

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Growth TechnologyGrowth Technology

GT Succulent Focus will provide your succulents with all the essential nutrients that are required to ensure they are kept healthy and vibrant. Despite their ability to survive in harsh conditions with limited nutrients, all succulents thrive when provided with a complete and balanced diet containing the 12 essential minerals. Succulent Focus offers precisely this.

Packing: 1L


Dilution rates

Hydroponics/Semi Hydro: 5-7ml per litre of water.

Soil/Potting Mix: 3-5 ml per litre of water.

Use at each watering for optimum results. Flush once a month with plain water to remove traces of mineral salts build up. Gradually increase nutrient strength/dilution rate as plant advances towards maturity


Note GT Succulent Focus is suitable for all succulents including cacti.