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Pineapple (Ananas Bacteatus)

Plant Meaning

A popular plant during the festive period to attract prosperity because of its Hokkien translation“Ong Lai” which means prosperity is arriving! With its striking red colour as well, this Red Pineapple Plant will be sure to bring good fortune and wealth!

红苞凤梨是春节的人气吉祥盆花之一。它的福建名称“旺来”, 有财源滚滚来的意义!它艳丽的火红色能为佳节带来好运,吉祥如意!


Care Tips

Place indoors and ensure that the soil is kept moist but not waterlogged.

适合放在阳光充足,通风良好,温暖温润的环境。保持土壤温度, 经常向叶面或周围环境喷水以降温和增加空气温度。